Do you live inside your head?
Over-thinking, worry, self-doubt, and self-criticism-all self-destructive behaviors that will prevent you from reaching your envisioned nirvana. When we constantly find ourselves obsessing over things have little impact on our greater circumstances, or spending days deconstructing conversations that we had or decisions that we’ve made, there’s usually a single root cause to which this can be attributed. This could come in the form of general anxiety, FEAR of failure or repercussions, lack of motivation, or being overwhelmed with something new. Gaining awareness of your tendency to over-think certain things is the first step to combat the habit and recognize what provokes your response to delve deeply into the bottomless well of your mind.
Here are a few tips that may help…
Get Continuous Motivation
When we face challenges in life, encouragement and inspiration are the best motivational buoys to turn to for reaffirmation. Shows such as Ted Talks, Forbes interviews, Oprah’s Next Chapter, and biographies are all great resources for you to get your fill of motivation and can help you maintain your resolve.
Be Realistic
Another trap that can we can find ourselves in is aiming a bit too high. We may strive to do so much in a small window of time, not giving ourselves the opportunity process our plans-which can lead to avoidance and stagnation. Set attainable goals, give yourself a time constraints for their consideration and planning, and then act.
Adjust Your Attitude
Changing your perspective on a situation can mean the world of difference in how you approach deviations and adversity. Dismiss useless and toxic thoughts as they don’t serve you, but only hinder you instead. For every negative thought that pops in your mind, try replacing it with a positive one-after a while this mode of thinking will become a habit and soon you’ll a glimmering star of positivity!